Awards 2017

Honorable Mention - 23rd Congress of Scientific Initiation of UnB and 14th of the Federal District

Award info

Award/Distinction Name: Honorable Mention - 23rd Congress of Scientific Initiation of UnB and 14th of the Federal District.
Classification and category: Humanities
Granting Agency/Institution: University of Brasília
Award Title/Distinction: Honorable Mention - Humanities
Winner (Teacher/student/technician): Jorge Renan Mendes Marinho
Institute/Faculty/Department: IdA / Department of Performing Arts
Location: Brasília, Distrito Federal
Date: The award ceremony took place on November 20, 2017.
Additional information: Title of the work presented: "Porosity as a Technical Element of the Actor in Collective Creation", under the guidance of professor Nitza Tenenblat.

Laboratório Criação em Coletivo para a Cena
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro (UnB), Brasília - DF
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